This photo is recording the emergence of fritillaria meleagris, a bulb that should be in every Homer garden. If you have a friend with a good size clutch of these truly lovely bulbs ask for a handful right now and get them in the ground. From then on they will tend themselves. They self seed and the bulbs multiply, creating a lovely splash of color. Keep on the lookout for their blooms in front of The Bookstore. They are also known as Checkered Lily or Snake’s Head. The lovely thing about using botanical Latin is that we are all talking about the same plant, the common names are so widely varied that they become confusing. We can all be talking about the same plant, using different names, and getting no where fast. I can almost take a walk around the garden, there is still punchy snow to contend with but I am only somewhat deterred. I actually started raking in the West Garden, up to the snow line. This bed is under a larch and the leaf drop is thick which has su...