Tiny Sun Disc daffodils Muscari John with Jade the Dog contemplating the wind challenged umbrella Tom was here this afternoon and confessed that after the middle of June he is no longer interested in his garden. Is this a crime? No. Is it unfortunate? No. Does it make him a ‘bad’ person? No. It’s his garden and he gets out of it what he wants and that ceases to work the middle of June. Simple. Keep this in mind as the season progresses: this is your garden, no one else’s, just get out of it what you want. That said I have managed to get my garden simplified to the point of ease. Really, I mean it. With a damaged knee I have discovered that help from Cecilia, Leah and John has been all it takes to get the job done. Does that sound simplified? That it took three people to get the job done? At least the maintenance will be minimal, especially since I can’t really get around for the next few weeks. The dandelions will thrive and the pollinators will be grateful. There you...